Monday, November 17, 2008

Digital Terms

Last week, I missed most of the discussion about the terms digital divide, digital native, and digital immigrant. After class had officially ended, Sabine and I briefly discussed these terms. Tonight, I spent about 20 minutes researching these terms and their meanings. To do this, I "googled" them. The first link that came up was the wikipedia site. The addresses are below:
digital divide:
digital native & digital immigrant
Although there were other links, I thought these links did a great job explaining these terms, and they also provided links to other sites.

One thing in particular that I found interesting was the discussion about Marc Prensky. (Supposedly, he coined the term). I understand the comparison/parallels between natives/immigrants of a country and natives/immigrants to technology, but I didn't expect to read about accents. The paragraph refers to an accent as something a digital immigrant might do such as to send an e-mail and then call to see if it was received. It was interesting to me to see how far this comparison between natives/immigrants of a a country and natives/immigrants to technology goes. Who knew I might have a digital accent?

I encourage you to do your own search on these terms. I think you will be surprised by the amount of information out there.

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