Monday, November 3, 2008


Our school is one of the many schools that provide a laptop to all students in grades 8-12. This was made possible through Quality Schools program three years ago. Like the author of this article, most of the teachers looked forward to having laptops available to all the students. One major benefit was updated technology for the school. The new laptops would replace or add to the old materials being used.

However, like the author of this article, the laptops soon became a huge management issue. Although, some issues had been planned for, others went unseen until they arose. This resulted in the laptops becoming more of a nuisance than a bonus. Eventually, consequences were established and it resulted in students losing certain privileges/programs such as e-mail, itunes, etc. This action lead to several other questions about fairness, privacy, and whether or not the computers were meeting their intended purpose.

Unlike the school mentioned in this article, very little training was provided to the teachers on how to use the new technology and/or implement it into their classrooms. Thus, one began to wonder if the computers were just a glorified typewriter for writer papers and a way to communicate with friends, instead of a tool to broaden students’ educational opportunities.

Although some of these issues have been resolved, others remain. We are still aiming to incorporate the technology in an effective manner that allows our students to develop into successful members of society.

1 comment:

JillHoffman said...

I think what you said about technology and the real effects of laptops in the classroom are valid and something to consider when faced with issues of costs and benefits in the classroom setting. I can see how they can be a nuisance in my own school when we attend staff meetings and teachers are on their computers when presenters are speaking. I also can see how powerful computers can be when used properly and effectively with clear set guidelines and rules for students to follow and respect. Laptops and technology can be great tools to motivate and captivate learners, but they can also be abused if not properly supervised and trained...